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HANDS-ON Workshop: Pulp and What?: Treatment Options for the Primary Molar

Saturday, April 13

2 - 5 PM

3 CDE Credits – DDS


When confronted with a bombed out primary tooth, which way to turn: ext or resto? You treat mega adult cases with implants and prostheses, but you're scared of a baby tooth attached to a five-year-old. This workshop reviews and practices skills in pulp therapy, esthetic resorations and, if all else fails, space maintenance. Treatment is performed on typodonts with primary teeth with pulps. A chairside band and loop space maintainer will also be practiced.

This session will enable participants to:
- Identify the different options for pulp therapy in primary teeth.
- Using the theories of bonding and primary teeth, restore a tooth with an esthetic restoration.
- Practice placing a stainless steel crown.
- Up their skills in a chairside one-step space maintainer.


David L. Rothman, D.D.S., FAAPD, DABP, FACD, FICD

David Rothman is a Board Certified Pediatric Dentist in private practice in San Francisco and Associate Clinical Professor at Case Western Reaserve University. He completed residencies in General Practice at Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, Anesthesia at the Medical College of Pennsylvania and Pediatric Dentistry at Childrens Hospital Oakland and UCSF. He is past Chair of Pediatric Dentistry at U of the Pacific. He has been President of the California

Society of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Diplomates of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and is immediate past president of the American dental Society of Anesthesiology. He is a member of OKU, Pierre Fauchard, and a fellow of ACD, ICD and the AAPD. He recently edited 2 issues of the JCDAon Safety in the Dental Office and chaired the CoVid 19 Clinical Care Workgroup subcommittee on Protocols, Guidance and Training. He lectures and publishes nationally and internationally on pediatric dentistry, safety, anesthesia and sedation. Conflict of interest: None listed

David L. Rothman, D.D.S., FAAPD, DABP, FACD, FICD
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