Laying the Foundation: Atraumatic Extraction and Implant Site Preparation
Friday, April 4
2 - 5 PM
3 CDE Credits – DDS
Many times, “out with the old” is the hardest part to accomplish in implant treatments. In this course, we will review a predictable process for atraumatic tooth extraction, crucial bone sparing techniques and instruments and armamentarium that is key to success. Once the tooth is out, we can start rebuilding the site using the best available biomaterials. We will review material selection and suturing techniques to allow proper closure of the sites, setting the foundation for ideal healing and “easy” implant placements down the line.
Course Objectives:
1. Learn a stepwise process and techniques for atraumatic tooth removal and armamentarium to accomplish it.
2. Learn ways to preserve critical bone to allow ideal healing and implant site development.
3. Understand ideal bone types and membranes available.
4. Understand basic and intermediate suture techniques.
Erik Solberg, DDS, DABOI/ID, FICOI, MACSD, graduated from the University of Minnesota before completing an AEGD at Idaho State University and a full-time implant fellowship program at Southern Illinois University. He has obtained Diplomate status from the ABOI and Fellow status from the AAID and the ICOI.
For the last decade, Solberg has concentrated his practice to implant dentistry and surgery. Teaching is a true passion, which he does as an adjunct assistant professor for the Prosthodontics Department at the University of Minnesota and through Paragon Implant Academy in Minneapolis.